Areas of Application
The faseroptic light guide (Weberneedle® Lasercath) is inserted directly into the joint via interstitial needle. This way, damaged structures (nerves, cartilage, bones, etc.) are directly exposed to irradiation. Intraarticular laser therapy is a simple and efficient treatment for:
- Knee joint arthrosis
- Hip joint arthrosis
- Chronic shoulder syndrome
- Ankle joint arthritis
- and many other degenerative joint diseases
The intraarticular technique achieves penetration depths of up to 12 cm and therefore has better therapeutical results than external laser application. Unlike external laser therapy this method also allows green, blue and yellow lasers to be applied deep inside the tissue (to reduce inflammation e.g.).
In order to optimize effects laser therapy can be combined very successfully with other injection therapies (e.g. PRP or hyaluronic acid). Injection and irradiation can be administered via the same cannula, with only one puncture.